Day One Pirate
It’s Christmas eve, last chance for the nice list to be added to? Maybe!
Troublesome Tuesday
Lets see who we can encounter and lessen the load of burden they have……..loot I mean
Day One Pirate
The experiment continues, who will be on the naughty list as Christmas approaches??
Saturday Shenanigans
It’s Saturday, which means we need to tuck, steal and be a pain in the ass of other players…..nicely tho’
Div_and_Inc the legend stream
Streaming with the legend that is……Div and Inc
Change to scheduled stream of 10am. Sailing with @Bipola_Toaster, Thursday 28th at 10am.
Loot hunting madness ensues
Borrowing…..Lifting……..stealing loot from others is the name of the game…..By any means!
Day One Pirate
Will other players be helpful, Unhelpful or Toxic towards a new day one player????? Let the experiment continue.
Roaming and being a nuisance
Roaming the seas to find somebody to annoy and hopefully relieve them of their hard earned treasure.